Archives for posts with tag: surrender

There are many definitions of freedom.  Having the right to vote, practice religion, e.t.c…  Perhaps just as important but seldom spoke of is not caring what other people think about you.  We can’t control what other people do, say, and think, so why let it cause frustration and anxiety.  Why let ego create drama and turmoil in our minds and relationships, when we can just accept people are free to think what they will. We don’t have to like it, but in order to live with love, peace, and happiness rather than anger, frustrations, and resentment we need to accept it.

incoming tide

incoming tide


Every day the tide comes in bringing fresh energy and life. At low tide, sediment is flushed out. A cleansing and change of energy occurs.  Every dawn is a new day and with it comes the opportunity to release emotional sediment from the past and make way for new energy, happiness, awareness, and love.

Many people carry around emotional baggage that contains pain, resentment, and anger. This keeps them living in shadows of the past. What would happen if people learned and practiced forgiveness and love? I believe rays of light would illuminate their lives and remove the darkness.

tranquil stream

tranquil stream


Each of us has a choice on how we see ourselves and the world.  Some people find that living in a constant state of joy, peace and happiness enables them to live in the moment and make the most of each day.

live your dream rather than live to dream

live your dream rather than live to dream

Others seem to live their lives in a state of negativity.  These people go through life missing the simple joys of a beautiful flower. They are often angry, frustrated, and living in disharmony.  I am not here to judge only suggest the idea that where energy goes results show.

morning dew is one of natures wonders

morning dew is one of natures wonders

I believe you can change your mindset by focusing your mind on the following concepts.   Live with gratitude.   Appreciate all the things you have. In this world there are too many people who have unsafe drinking water and not enough food. Take time to say to to yourself how grateful you are for the hot water shower, toilet, car you drive, food you eat, for the sunshine, e.t.c.  This can really change your attitude, especially at times when your feeling stress.  For example when stuck in traffic take the time to reflect on what you are grateful for.

Live with love in your heart and do your best to spread love.  If you remove all the social dogmas that surround and divide people you will see that we all have things in common.  We’re human and we all make mistakes.  We all want to provide for our families, educate our children, be healthy, and be loved. The more you love yourself and others the more love will be attracted to you.

Learn and practice forgiveness.   It is amazing how you can go from a resentful state to one of peace and joy, just by learning and practicing forgiveness.  Forgive yourself for things you have done, and others for what has been done to you.   I don’t know about you but I feel stress and frustration in my stomach first.  When this happens I recognize it and rather than let it grow I make the choice to accept it, think about it for a while, then let it go and forgive all those including myself.

This may sound kind of weird to some but the process really works for me. The reason is I want to feel happy and positive rather than sad and negative.

So what are you waiting for…..  Celebrate the joy in your life.

This whale is feeling joy and love!

This whale is feeling joy and love!




Still waters run deep

Still waters run deep

Most of us know that salmon live for the day they return to where they originated. To do that they must swim against the current, encounter trials and tribulations. Those that make it back,  procreate then die.  I don’t know about you but part of that scenario does not sound that great to me.   Of course  there is a big difference between being a fish and a human, but the idea of going through life struggling and going against the flow of the universe seems futile. Perhaps this is one of lives big lessons.

Think about your life for a moment.  Have there been times when you pushed to hard in relationships, business, or  matters of the heart. What happened.  Did things turn out the way you wanted? And, have there been in times in your life when you did not resist what life was giving you and just accepted it. What was the result?  Did you experience stress, anxiety, rejection, feelings of abandonment,  not being worthy, or did you achieve your goal, solve a problem, communicate effectively, or be there for a friend?

Life has a way of teaching us that what we resist persists.  Accepting a life circumstance or situation allows you to deal with it in the now, and not add it to the emotional baggage of your past or future.   When we do this are going with the flow of life and living with love and peace.

Are you stuck in  relationship or job thats join nowhere?  Why do you stay?  Is it because the evil you know is better than the evil you don’t? Or is it that your afraid of rejection or that you won’t find something better?  Sometimes a low self esteem is what blocks us.  Somehow we feel that were no worthy of a better relationship or job. Other times it’s that you’ve been in it for so long you are comfortable even though not 100% content.  Whatever the reason, what is holding you back is you.  You need to change that in order to succeed & thrive.

Old Man Wisdom cruising over the reef.

Old Man Wisdom cruising over the reef.

Yes, this seems easier said than done.  However once you make a decision and are committed to it, change can be empowering and make you feel good.   After all your taking action to improve your situation.  Where energy flows, results often show.  So embrace the changes that you know need to be made to enable you to live the life you desire.  The process takes time and energy but it does work and you can create the life of your dreams. Some the things you will go through will not be fun. However they will pass and in the end you remain.

This turtle image was provided by Douglas Hoffman.

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We all have trials and tribulations. How we deal with the circumstances in life defines who we are.   No matter what were going through, it is important to realize that life is full of magical moments.  If your in a rut, know that it won’t last.  Whatever the issue is it will pass.  Take time each day to reflect on all the things you are grateful for.  Staying in a state of mind that is positive and happy will offset the negativity.  Find joy in the beauty of just being.

Photo provided by Douglas J Hoffman

Life, love, relationships, and friendship are elements of life that give us purpose, a sense of belonging, and fulfillment.  But, life circumstances change.  Relationships sometimes end, and for that matter friendships  too.   When this happens sometimes people are hateful, resentful, jealous, angry, hurt, rejected, and they might say or do things that cause you pause.

You have a choice when this happens.  You can internalize these actions and words and allow them to have power over you, which causes  negative feelings and emotions.  This will affect how you feel about yourself and others and will bog you down.   It is not easy to accept people as they are, not pass judgement, and forgive others as well as yourself for the pain, rejection, and anguish you feel. But, that is what is required for you to live with love and peace.

We all deserve to be happy and enjoy life.  But we can’t do that if we allow others to control our emotions and state of mind.  All we can do is control our emotions and outlook in life.

Someone once said you could be right or you can be happy but you can’t always be both.   I would rather forgive others for what they do, than spend energy resenting others for causing me pain. In this way, I control how happy I am.  The more I practice living in peace the happier I am.

I’m not suggesting that you just turn the other cheek, let others walk over you.  Not at all.  The point is that your in control and whatever people say or do does not need to change your mindset.  If you remove the emotion, anger, resentment, rejection, feeling of lack from a situation all that is left is you. From that point you can communicate and share your thoughts in a manner that is constructive.   If the other people involved react differently so be it.  You can not control how others feel.   Don’t let it get you down.


Peaceful beach in Maui

Peaceful beach in Maui


Image provided by Douglas Hoffman

Someone once said that the only thing that is consistent is that things change.   For some reason people resist change.  Nevertheless change comes. It occurs in the work place, in relationships, in life, and in your heart.  The longer were alive the more lessons we learn, and that is a good thing.   If I only knew then what I knew now…..  Remember what you resist tends to persist.

If changing your thinking, feeling, goals, e.t.c.., will improve your life  – embrace the change and accept the challenges that lie ahead.  You will be happier.

Wishing you all love and Peace.


Magical Maui Sunset

Magical Maui Sunset


This image provided by Maui Photography Inc.

There has never been a better time to make things happen.  Rather than just go through the repetition of daily life, create the life you want in your mind and envision it. Believe in it. Each day take at least one action to help pave the way to get the life you want.  Where your mindset takes you, results will show and you will achieve it.  This kind of positive attitude and energy attacks like energy.

If you want a new relationship prepare for it in your mind and heart, then take some action to make it happen.  This could be anything from signing up to take a class, volunteering at a charity that you like, joining a club or group that you have an interest in. You might even consider joining or other popular online dating services.  The point is to make it possible to meet people.

If you are in a relationship that is going nowhere, but you feel its better than the unknown, then you might want to consider facing the issues and dealing with them, or ending the relationship so that you can thrive.  Divorce is scary, but fear is the mind killer.   Face the fear and all that is left is you.   Sometimes long term relationships don’t work.   It’s sad but true.  The reality is that you don’t have to settle for less than you want or deserve.

If your a parent make this the year you spend quality time just being with your children. They grow so fast and soon enough are gone.   Make the most of it.  Give them your time and love and they will grow up well.

If you have an idea for a business.   Explore it.  Do the leg work.  You will never know if it is a great idea unless you do the research.  If you get a set back accept it and then determine how to get around it.   If your passionate and determined there is no obstacle you can’t overcome.

Life is for believing, creating, contributing,  loving, and enjoying.  Life is a blessing and not a curse. So for it!

Wishing you all love and peace….

the path to peace

the path to peace


This photo was provided by Maui Photo Tours and Douglas Hoffman.