Archives for posts with tag: self improvement



Still waters run deep

Still waters run deep

Most of us know that salmon live for the day they return to where they originated. To do that they must swim against the current, encounter trials and tribulations. Those that make it back,  procreate then die.  I don’t know about you but part of that scenario does not sound that great to me.   Of course  there is a big difference between being a fish and a human, but the idea of going through life struggling and going against the flow of the universe seems futile. Perhaps this is one of lives big lessons.

Think about your life for a moment.  Have there been times when you pushed to hard in relationships, business, or  matters of the heart. What happened.  Did things turn out the way you wanted? And, have there been in times in your life when you did not resist what life was giving you and just accepted it. What was the result?  Did you experience stress, anxiety, rejection, feelings of abandonment,  not being worthy, or did you achieve your goal, solve a problem, communicate effectively, or be there for a friend?

Life has a way of teaching us that what we resist persists.  Accepting a life circumstance or situation allows you to deal with it in the now, and not add it to the emotional baggage of your past or future.   When we do this are going with the flow of life and living with love and peace.

Are you stuck in  relationship or job thats join nowhere?  Why do you stay?  Is it because the evil you know is better than the evil you don’t? Or is it that your afraid of rejection or that you won’t find something better?  Sometimes a low self esteem is what blocks us.  Somehow we feel that were no worthy of a better relationship or job. Other times it’s that you’ve been in it for so long you are comfortable even though not 100% content.  Whatever the reason, what is holding you back is you.  You need to change that in order to succeed & thrive.

Old Man Wisdom cruising over the reef.

Old Man Wisdom cruising over the reef.

Yes, this seems easier said than done.  However once you make a decision and are committed to it, change can be empowering and make you feel good.   After all your taking action to improve your situation.  Where energy flows, results often show.  So embrace the changes that you know need to be made to enable you to live the life you desire.  The process takes time and energy but it does work and you can create the life of your dreams. Some the things you will go through will not be fun. However they will pass and in the end you remain.

This turtle image was provided by Douglas Hoffman.

Someone once said that the only thing that is consistent is that things change.   For some reason people resist change.  Nevertheless change comes. It occurs in the work place, in relationships, in life, and in your heart.  The longer were alive the more lessons we learn, and that is a good thing.   If I only knew then what I knew now…..  Remember what you resist tends to persist.

If changing your thinking, feeling, goals, e.t.c.., will improve your life  – embrace the change and accept the challenges that lie ahead.  You will be happier.

Wishing you all love and Peace.


Magical Maui Sunset

Magical Maui Sunset


This image provided by Maui Photography Inc.

Polipoli trail copy

As the new year is upon us it makes sense to take some time to think about our goals, dreams, and what were grateful for.  It is also the perfect time to look within and release negative emotions, memories, and pain.  To do this acknowledge that these negative emotions exist, and identify who or what caused them then from your heart let it go and forgive them.  You can also forgive yourself.

Once able to adopt an attitude of forgiveness and acceptance your attitudes and reactions to life circumstance change. You will find yourself happy, and other people will notice.  Little things will no longer cause stress and anxiety because you will accept what is and then take the necessary actions. This is called living in the moment.

As you begin this year keep in mind you can right or you can be happy.  Which do you choose.

Today spend some time cleaning your room and house.  Get rid of things that don’t use or need anymore.  Lighten your load.  Give old clothes and household items to the less fortunate people in your community. There are people out there with less than you, and they will appreciate your kindness and generosity. Remember giving without expectation of return is true charity.

Do the same thing with yourself.  Take some time to look inside your heart.  Throw away the memories and pain that does not serve you. Why take the past into the coming year. Just let it go.  Acknowledge those feelings and then discard them.  There is no reason to store them anymore.

In this way you can start the new year fresh, and with a new perspective and outlook. You are now in a positive mindset and living with love and peace

I know this works because I have done it. As a result I am much happier, and grateful for all that I have.  I and all those around me notice the difference in my outlook, attitude, and behavior.  If I can do this I know everyone can do it too.  So if your house is a mess – clean it up!  You will be glad you did.

flowershadowfor bolgLife contains periods of light and darkness. Mixed in among them are the shadows.   Photographers and artists love the shadows as it is the shadows that create contrast, dimension, depth, feeling, and emotion in paintings and photographs.  They are key elements to effective story telling.

Shadows have another meaning when thinking about the ego, human behavior, and emotions.   In this sense there are feelings, and emotions stored inside, that may affect how you deal with and respond to what is happening in your current life experience. These are hidden emotions  which can be the catalyst that promote self doubt, lack of confidence, anger, resentment, poor decision making, e.t.c..  The good news is that if we are aware and living in the moment, shadows serve to help us recognize our emotions stirring.

Recognizing these feelings as they are happening provides us the opportunity to deal with our issues in a positive manner serving the needs of everyone involved.  The alternative is to let the emotions inside awaken the ego and allow it to take control. When this happens things are often said and done in reaction without having taken a moment to think things through.

When you live in the present moment you are acknowledging what is, rather than what was or will be. Being present is the only way to control your feelings and emotions. When you do this your ego disappears.  When you start dwelling on your past and future issues or problems your ego is awakened and acts with vigor to rule your actions and behavior.  This can and does have negative repercussions.  So live in the moment and control your happiness.

Happiness comes from inside. Think about ice cream, rainbows, your dog, a smiling child and see if you feel happy.

Waiting for something to happen to make you happy might lead to feelings of frustration.  You cant control when things happen, or what people will do.  But, you can control how you feel.  It takes presence and a mindset that life is to be cherished.

Human beings were not created by god to be unhappy.  We were manifested to be happy and contribute to the world.

So be happy and let the love and joy shine through you. This will spread to others and the world will be better for it.  Remember it all starts with a smile.


Wishing you all live with love and peace


Sometimes people that care about you might give you unasked for advice.  If you can control your ego and not get upset, you might just learn something valuable.  If you can’t stay present in the moment, your ego will wake up and you will likely feel rejection, frustration, anxiety, fear, sense of loss, or anger. These emotions will not serve you well.

If your not in the frame of mind to take the advice, just listen and let it come in one ear and go out the other.  In this case a response like ” is that so” will show that you have listened and is not negative.  It shows that you respect the other persons intent but are not into pursuing the topic.

Remember this – only you can control your emotions.  Do not give that power away.  IF you let others dictate how you feel  the result will be pain.

Lastly remember you get more flies with honey……..

Hopefully this unasked for advice will help you live with love and peace.



Try to remember that all things are transient.  They come and go.  Just as you buy a car and use it for 10 years than get another, emotions and feelings come and go.  When you can accept all that occurs and be at one with it, rather than separate from it this is consciousness and who you really are.