Archives for posts with tag: belief

Sunrise baby beach1.1

Life circumstances can sometimes cloud our emotional state. It take effort and the ability to rise above the past and be present in the moment.  When you do you can see the simple pleasure and joy of just being.  Life is such a gift.   Don’t give up, rather look around and see the beauty that surrounds you!


Image provided by Maui Photo Tours and Workshops



The ebb and flow of tide

The ebb and flow of tide

What you believe in your heart affects how you act and feel about yourself.  If you have faith in yourself and believe that you can achieve your goals your conscious and subconscious mind will respond. You will take action and work towards getting what you envision. That does not mean you won’t have set backs, and challenges you will, but you will overcome them and ultimately achieve what you set out to do.   This  applies to relationships just as much as it does for you career.  Keep the faith!


2013 was the most challenging year of my life. It was also a very good year in that I learned a lot about myself. As 2013, is about to end, I want to say how grateful I am for all the support I have received from friends and family.  This year I learned about forgiveness, acceptance, awareness, and how important it is to live each day and not dwell on the past or fear the future.   I live in the present, plan for the future, and forgive the past.

I begin 2014 as a divorced father of two, and look forward to working with my ex in order to raise our girls with love. I am so fortunate that we ended our marriage in a fair and friendly manner, which will serve us both well as we move forward in our lives.  I wish every success in her career and happiness in her life.

I plan to continue writing this blog with the desire to be of service to other people and to share my insight, stories, and thoughts about life, love, and living in peace.

Happy new year everyone!

Wishing everyone a year full of love and peace

Wishing everyone a year full of love and peace


Today spend some time cleaning your room and house.  Get rid of things that don’t use or need anymore.  Lighten your load.  Give old clothes and household items to the less fortunate people in your community. There are people out there with less than you, and they will appreciate your kindness and generosity. Remember giving without expectation of return is true charity.

Do the same thing with yourself.  Take some time to look inside your heart.  Throw away the memories and pain that does not serve you. Why take the past into the coming year. Just let it go.  Acknowledge those feelings and then discard them.  There is no reason to store them anymore.

In this way you can start the new year fresh, and with a new perspective and outlook. You are now in a positive mindset and living with love and peace

I know this works because I have done it. As a result I am much happier, and grateful for all that I have.  I and all those around me notice the difference in my outlook, attitude, and behavior.  If I can do this I know everyone can do it too.  So if your house is a mess – clean it up!  You will be glad you did.

Tiny bubbles

Moisture from the night’s rain collected on the leaf of the flower. I noticed it as I was letting the dog out to do his business.  The water drops sticking to the leaf in such a random pattern captured my attention and I thought each drop of water was unique and special.  Some are big and others small, but what they have in common is that they exist for the moment, but soon will disappear.

Then it struck me that, people too are all unique and special.  Some are big and small are small.  What we have in common is that we exist here in the now.  The past and future do not matter.  All that is important is this moment.

Have a great day!

Life is full of fleeting moments. Change is ever-present.  Make the most of your life experiences.  Learn from your mistakes and cherish your successes. Believe in yourself, and never give up faith. Live like there is no tomorrow and remember the famous verse……All we are is dust in the wind.

Live your life with love and peace

Whatever is going on in your life, and whatever your life circumstance happens to be that is real. You can accept it as what is, or you can deny it.  This is how life works.  Everyone has issues and problems.  It is how we deal with them that allows us to live with love and peace.  When we accept what is it might mean we need to forgive ourselves or others for what is going on.

We all make mistakes, that is part of being human, but the mistakes we make do not define who we are. It is how we react, and learn from the mistakes we make that define who we really are. Remember the past is done there is no going back. The present is what is happening now, and the future has not yet arrived.   We can help create our future by taking action in the present.

This applies to relationships, emotions, career, health, fun, and how we deal with adversity.  Life need not be discouraging, in fact it can be exciting. It is all a matter of of we deal with things and the actions or reactions we have to situations that arise, goals we have made, our core values and beliefs.  Faith, belief, and self esteem help us work through issues and find love and peace.

One of the reasons some people become successful in life is that they tap into their imagination and use it to ell their minds that they can achieve their goals. They envision what it would be like and feel like once their goal has been achieved.  Their imagination becomes a catalyst and sparks the unconscious mind into action.  This is the place creativity, ideas, methodologies, and solutions are born and after taking shape move into the realm of the conscious mind.  The ability for the mind and heart to believe that something is possible, enables it to become a reality.  This is what some call a self fulfilled prophecy.

Today I observed a group of ants working together to take a dead bee back to their nest.At first there was one ant, and it found the bee and without hesitation started pulling it towards its nest.  And then there was another, and another, and within minutes there were too many to count.  I was amazed at their strength and determination. Progress was slow at the beginning but as more ants came and helped, the pace increased. It was amazing to see how fast these ants were working. Just like that they disappeared around the corner and into a crack in the base of the wall.

As I watched, it seemed to me that there was a life lesson to be learned. One person can make a difference with steadfast belief and determination. However when a community gets involved it seems the progress of their efforts is unstoppable.

I wonder and imagine what would happen the world community were able to pull together and use their combined strength and beliefs to help feed the world, provide water that is safe to drink, educate the youth of the world, end political corruption, manage the worlds natural resources, end pollution, develop new sources of energy, end the dependence we have for oil, stop illegal fishing, stop shark finning, purge racial and religious prejudice, and control green house gas emissions.  Any and all of these actions would change the world and make it a better place for everyone, and everything. In this way we could as a world community live with love and peace.

We all have life situations that arise that cause feelings of anxiety, anguish, and frustration.  These emotions are part of life. They do not need to cause us to feel bad. But all to often they do.

Over the last few months, I have been told time and time again that something would happen that would improve my current situation.  As it turns out these have been nothing but false and empty promises.  As a result, I started to feel let down, and upset.   Then I realized that only I can control my state of mind and level of happiness. I did not want this negativity lingering any longer, so I made the decision to let it go.

I have accepted that things will not improve in the timeline I want, but I know they will improve because I have faith, belief, and the knowledge that all problems pass.  In letting go, a weight was lifted and my state of mind improved.

Everyone can apply this type of acceptance to their own situation and life circumstance. By letting  go, you might not get what you want when you want it but you can be happy and at peace.